Under Review or In Preparation

Li, X., Schimmelfennig, R., & Muthukrishna, M. (2024). Economic Growth and the Evolution of Evil Eye and Witch Hunts.
Spicer, R., Monroe, M. W., Slingerland, E., & Muthukrishna, M. (2023). Predicting the Past: Imputation of Historical Data. psychArxiv
White, C., & Muthukrishna, M. (2023). More educated, more WEIRD: Higher education predicts worldwide cultural similarity to the United States and other WEIRD countries. PsychArxiv
Schnell, E., Schimmelpfennig, R., & Muthukrishna, M. (2023). The Size of the Stag Determines the Level of Cooperation. bioRxiv
Muthukrishna, M. (2017). Corruption, Cooperation, and the Evolution of Prosocial Institutions. SSRN
Schimmelpfennig, R., Spicer, R., White, C., Gervais, W. M., Norenzayan, A., Heine, S., Henrich, J., & Muthukrishna, M. (forthcoming). Methodological Concerns Underlying a Lack of Evidence for Cultural Heterogeneity in the Replication of Psychological Effects. Communications Psychology


Muthukrishna, M. (2023). [BOOK] A Theory of Everyone: Who we are, how we got here, and where we’re going. MIT Press (US & Canada) / Basic Books (UK and Commonwealth) [Amazon and Local Bookstores]

Journal Articles

Schimmelpfennig, R., Spicer, R., White, C., Gervais, W. M., Norenzayan, A., Heine, S., Henrich J., & Muthukrishna, M. (2024). The Moderating Role of Culture in the Generalizability of Psychological Phenomena. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. [Download] [Publisher]
Schnell, E., & Muthukrishna, M. (2024). Reply to Gross et al.: Indirect reciprocity undermines large-scale cooperation under realistic conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Download] [Publisher]
Schnell, E., & Muthukrishna, M. (2024). Indirect Reciprocity Undermines Indirect Reciprocity Destabilizing Large-Scale Cooperation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Download] [Publisher]
Slingerland, E., M. Willis Monroe & Muthukrishna, M.  (2023). The Database of Religious History (DRH): Ontology, Coding Strategies and the Future of the Study of the Cultural Evolution of Religions. Religion, Brain & Behavior. [Download] [Publisher]
Monroe, M. W., Spicer, R., Arbuckle MacLeod, C., Canlas, G., Chilcott, T., Christopher, S., Daniels, M., Danielson, A. J., Hamm, M., Noseworthy, W., Randall, I., Walsh, R. F., Muthukrishna, M. & Slingerland, E. (2023) On the Category of “Religion”: A Taxonomic Analysis of a Large-Scale Database. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. [Download] [Publisher]
Antonakis, J., Dessi, R., Fischer, T., Foss, N., Haslam, S. A., Kvaløy, O., Lonati, S., Muthukrishna, M. & Schöttner, A. (2023). Theory in leadership and management. The Leadership Quarterly, 101736. [Publisher]
Falk, C. F. & Muthukrishna, M. (2023). Parsimony in Model Selection: Tools for Assessing Fit Propensity. Psychological Methods. [Download] [R package] [Summary Post] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Henrich, J. & Muthukrishna, M. (2023). What makes us smart. Topics in Cognitive Science. [Publisher][Download]
Schimmelpfennig, R. & Muthukrishna, M.  (2023). Cultural Evolutionary Behavioural Science in Public Policy. Behavioural Public Policy. [Awarded EUSPR Presidents’ Award 2023] [Publisher] [Download] [Twitter] [LinkedIn]
Uchiyama, R., Spicer, R., Muthukrishna, M. (2022). Integrating cultural evolution and behavioral genetics. [Reply to commentaries]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. [Publisher] [Download] [Download target article] [Publisher target article]
Uchiyama, R., Spicer, R., Muthukrishna, M. (2021). Book Review: Harden, Kathryn Paige, 2021, The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality. Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture, 6.1.  [Download]
Uchiyama, R., Spicer, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2021). Cultural Evolution of Genetic Heritability. [Target article]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1-147. [Download] [Summary Post] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Schimmelpfennig, R., Razek, L., Schnell, E., & Muthukrishna, M. (2021). Paradox of Diversity in the Collective Brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. [Download] [Summary Post] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Schaller, M. & Muthukrishna, M. (2021). Modeling Cultural Change: Computational Models of Interpersonal Influence Dynamics Can Yield New Insights about How Cultures Change, Which Cultures Change More Rapidly Than Others, And Why. American Psychologist. [Download] [Publisher]
Beheim, B., Atkinson, Q., Bulbulia, J., Gervais, W., Gray, R. D., Henrich, J., Lang, M., Monroe, M. W., Muthukrishna, M. (equal second author), Norenzayan, A., Purzycki, B. G., Shariff, A., Slingerland, E., Spicer, R., & Willard, A. K. (2021). Treatment of missing data determined conclusions regarding moralizing gods. Nature, 595, E29–E34.[Download] [Publisher]
Muthukrishna, M. (2021). The Ties that Bind Us. LSE Public Policy Review, 2(1): 3, 1-7. [Download] [Publisher]
White, C. J. M., Muthukrishna, M. (equal senior) & Norenzayan, A. (2021). Worldwide evidence of cultural similarity among co-religionists within and across countries using the World Values Survey. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (37) e2109650118. [Download] [Supplementary] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Schimmelpfennig, R., & Muthukrishna, M. (2021). What ultimately predicts witchcraft and its variation around the world? Current Anthropology. [Download]
Muthukrishna, M., Henrich, J. & Slingerland, E. (2021). Psychology as a Historical Science. Annual Review of Psychology, 72, 717-49. [Download] [Publisher] [Summary Post] [Twitter]
Henrich, J. & Muthukrishna, M. (2021). The Origins and Psychology of Human Cooperation. Annual Review of Psychology, 72, 207-40. [Download] [Publisher] [Summary Post] [Twitter]
Muthukrishna, M. (2020). Cultural evolution and the paradox of diversity. National Academy of Engineering: The Bridge, 50(4), 26-28. [Download] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Slingerland, E., Monroe, M. W., Sullivan, B., Walsh, R. F., Veidlinger, D., Noseworthy, W., Herriott, C., Raffield, B., Peterson, J. L., Rodríguez, G., Sonik, K., Green, W., Tappenden, F. S., Ashtari, A., Spicer, R., & Muthukrishna, M. (2020). Historians Respond to Whitehouse et al. 2019, Complex societies precede moralizing gods throughout world history. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 5(1-2), 124–141. [Download] [Publisher]
Slingerland, E., Atkinson, Q. D., Ember, C. R., Sheehan, O., Muthukrishna, M., Bulbulia, J. & Gray, R. D. (2020). Coding Culture: Challenges and Recommendations for Comparative Cultural Databases. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 2, E29. [Download] [Publisher]
Muthukrishna, M., Bell, A. V., Henrich, J., Curtin, C., Gedranovich, A., McInerney, J. & Thue, B. (2020). Beyond Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) Psychology: Measuring and Mapping Scales of Cultural and Psychological Distance. Psychological Science, 31(6), 678-701. [Download] [Supplementary] [Code] [Summary Post] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Muthukrishna, M. (2019). Cultural Evolutionary Public Policy. Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 12-13. [Download] [Publisher]
Muthukrishna, M. & Schaller, M. (2019). Are Collectivistic Cultures More Prone to Rapid Transformation? Computational Models of Cross-Cultural Differences, Social Network Structure, Dynamic Social Influence, and Cultural Change. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 24(2), 103-120. [Download] [Summary Post] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Uchiyama, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2019). Archetypes are a poor primitive for a theory of mental representations. Psychological Inquiry, 30(2), 87-92. [Download] [Publisher]
Muthukrishna, M. & Henrich, J. (2019). A Problem in Theory. Nature Human Behaviour, 3, 221-229. [Download] [Summary Post] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Muthukrishna, M., Doebeli, M., Chudek, M., & Henrich, J. (2018). The Cultural Brain Hypothesis: How culture drives brain expansion, sociality, and life history. PLOS Computational Biology, 14(11): e1006504. [Download] [Supplementary] [Summary Post] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Muthukrishna, M., Henrich, J., Toyakawa, W., Hamamura, T., Kameda, T., &  Heine, S. J. (2018). Overconfidence is universal? Elicitation of Genuine Overconfidence (EGO) procedure reveals systematic differences across domain, task knowledge, and incentives in four populations. PLOS ONE, 13(8): e0202288. [Download] [EGO Software] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Fox, K. C. R., Muthukrishna, M. (equal first), & Shultz, S. (2017). The social and cultural roots of whale and dolphin brains. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1, 1699–1705. [equal first author] [Download] [Summary Post] [Publisher]
Muthukrishna, M., Francois, P., Pourahmadi, S., & Henrich, J. (2017). Corrupting Cooperation and How Anti-Corruption Strategies May Backfire. Nature Human Behaviour, 1(0138). [Download] [Summary Post] [Publisher]
Sullivan, B., Muthukrishna, M., Tappenden, F. S., & Slingerland, E. (2017) Exploring the Challenges and Potentialities of the Database of Religious History for Cognitive Historiography. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 3, 12-31. [Publisher]
Henrich, J., Boyd, M., Derex, M., Kline, M. A., Mesoudi, A., Muthukrishna, M., Powell, A., Shennan, S. J., Thomas, M. G. (2016) Understanding Cumulative Cultural Evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, E6724-E6725. [Download] [Publisher]
Vonder Haar, C., Lam, F. C. W., Adams, W. A., Riparip, L.-K., Kaur, S., Muthukrishna, M., Rosi, S., & Winstanley, C. A. (2016). Frontal Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats Causes Long-Lasting Impairments in Impulse Control That Are Differentially Sensitive to Pharmacotherapeutics and Associated with Chronic Neuroinflammation. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 7, 1531-1542. [Download] [Publisher]
Shariff, A.F., Willard, A.K., Muthukrishna, M., Kramer, S.R., & Henrich, J. (2016) What is the association between religious affiliation and children’s altruism? Current Biology, 26, R699-R700. [Download] [Publisher]
Levine, J. S., Muthukrishna, M., Chan, K. M. A., & Satterfield, T. (2016). Sea otters and social justice: the demographic asymmetry of ecosystem services under a trophic cascade in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, Canada. Conservation Biology, 31(2), 1523-1739. [Download] [Publisher]
Muthukrishna, M. & Henrich, J. (2016). Innovation in the Collective Brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371(1690).  [Telegraph] [Scientific American] [Video] [Evonomics] [LSE Business Review] [Summary Post] [Download] [Data] [Publisher]
Muthukrishna, M., Morgan, T. J. H.,& Henrich, J. (2015). The When and Who of Social Learning and Conformist Transmission. Evolution and Human Behavior, 37(1), 10-20. [Radio Interview] [Other Media Coverage] [Summary Post] [Download] [Publisher]
Levine, J.,Muthukrishna, M., Chan, K., & Satterfield, T. (2015). Theories of the deep: Combining salience and network analyses to produce mental model visualizations of a coastal British Columbia foodweb. Ecology and Society, 20(4), 42. [Download] [Publisher]
Muthukrishna, M. & Schaller, M. (2014) Individual-Level Psychology and Group-Level Traits, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37(3), 265-266. [Download] [Publisher]
Cole, B., & Muthukrishna, M. (2014). Nu-life: spontaneous dynamic hierarchical organization in a non-uniform life-like cellular automata. Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 99-100. [Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Conference] [Download] [Website] [Publisher]
Muthukrishna, M., Shulman, B. W., Vasilescu, V., & Henrich, J. (2013). Sociality influences cultural complexity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(1774). [Nature News] [Radio Interview] [Other Media Coverage] [Download] [Publisher]
Thompson, C., Sanderson, P., Watson, M., Thompson, M., Muthukrishna, M., & Murphy, S. (2010). Testing auditory alarm effectiveness with three different alarms sets. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 38(4), 769-769. [Download] [Publisher]
Wan, S., Paris, C., Muthukrishna, M., & Dale, R. (2009). Designing a citation-sensitive research tool: an initial study of browsing-specific information needs. Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries, 45-53. [Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Conference] [Download] [Publisher]

Book Chapters

Schimmelfennig, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (forthcoming). Cultural Evolutionary Behavioural Science in Public Policy. In The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Evolution. Edited by R. Kendal, J. Tehrani, & J. Kendal. [Twitter]
Uchiyama, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2022). Cultural Evolutionary Neuroscience. In Oxford University Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience and Global Mental Health. Edited by J. Y. Chiao, R. Turner, S-C Li, S. Y. Lee-Tauler, & B. A. Pringle. [Download]
Russell, C. & Muthukrishna, M. (2018) Dual Inheritance Theory. In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Edited by T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford. [Download] [Publisher]
Chudek, M., Muthukrishna, M. & Henrich, J. (2015) Cultural Evolution. In Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, 2nd Edition. Edited by D. M. Buss. [Download] [Publisher]

Conference Talks

Muthukrishna, M. (2024). International Bridge Building: Theories from the Global South. Paper presented at Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2024, San Diego, CA, 9 February.
Schimmelpfennig, R., Spicer, R., White, C., Gervais, W. M., Norenzayan, A., Heine, S., Muthukrishna, M. (2024). A Problem in Theory and More: Measuring the Moderating Role of Culture in Many Labs 2. Paper presented at Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2024, San Diego, CA, 8 February
White, C. & Muthukrishna, M. (2024). Multiverse Analysis of Whether Cultural Fractionalization Predicts Cooperation and Conflict. Paper presented at Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2024, San Diego, CA, 10 February.
Muthukrishna, M. (2024). Data-Driven Discovery. Paper presented at Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2024: Computational Psychology Pre-Conference, San Diego, CA, 8 February.
Muthukrishna, M. (2023). Cultural Evolutionary Behavioral Science. Paper presented at Bridging Disciplines to Advance Governance Research: Collaborations on Gender, Social Networks, and Climate Change, J-PAL’s Governance Initiative, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), London, UK, 4 December.
Muthukrishna, M. (2023). A Theory of Everyone: Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We’re Going [Keynote]. Paper presented at Risk Management Symposium, Private Equity Institute, Said Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 30 November to 1 December.
Muthukrishna, M. (2023). Panel on Crooks. Paper presented at University of Minnesota Law School’s Institute for Law and Rationality’s Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 21 – 23 September.
Muthukrishna, M. (2023). Database of Religious History and Historical Psychology. Paper presented at Emotion in History: Boundary Crossing Adventures Workshop, University of California, Santa Barbara, 10 – 11 August.
Muthukrishna, M. (2023). Mapping Psychological Terrae Incognita: Explorations Beyond WEIRD Psychology. Paper presented at APS’s International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Brussels, Belgium, 9 – 11 March. [Part of symposium on “East, West, and the Rest: Exploring Psychological Variation across the Globe” organized by Shinobu Kitayama, Catherine Thomas, and Ayse Uskul.
Schimmelpfennig, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2022). Paradox of Diversity in the Collective Brain. Paper presented at the European Human Behaviour & Evolution Association (EHBEA) 2022, Leipzig, Germany. 19-22 April.
Schimmelpfennig, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2022). Paradox of Diversity in the Collective Brain. Paper presented at the Royal Society Meeting on the Emergence of Collective Knowledge and Cumulative Culture in Animals, Humans and Machines, London, UK. 14-15 March.
Muthukrishna, M. (2022). Are Collectivistic Culture More Prone to Rapid Transformation? Computational Models of Cross-Cultural Differences, Social Network Structure, Dynamic Social Influence, and Cultural Change. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention 2022, San Francisco, CA. 16-19 February.
[Part of symposium on “Collectivism, Social Change, and Collective Problems”]
Muthukrishna, M. (2022). Paradox of Diversity in the Collective Brain: Dynamics of Cooperation and Collective Intelligence. Paper presented at Mathematics of Collective Intelligence Workshop, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA, [Online], Virtual, 18 February.
Muthukrishna, M. (2021). Cultural evolution and human cooperation. Paper presented at Cooperative AI WorkshopConference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), [Online], Virtual, 14 December.
Falk, C. & Muthukrishna, M. (2021). ockhamSEM: A tool for fit propensity in covariance structure models. Paper presented at International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS) 2021, [Online], Virtual, 19-23 July.
 Muthukrishna, M. (2021). Cultural evolutionary psychology. Plenary presented at Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES) Conference, [Online], Virtual, 1 July.
Ghai, S., Orben., A., & Muthukrishna, M. (2021). How Helpful are Diversity Classifications such as WEIRD/Non-WEIRD or Global North/South for Psychological Science?. Unconference at the Society for the Improvement of Psychology [Virtual], 24 June.
White, C. J. M., Muthukrishna, M.*, & Norenzayan., A.* (2021). Worldwide evidence of cultural similarity among co-religionists. Paper presented at the Cultural Evolution Society Conference [Virtual], 9 June.
Muthukrishna, M., Schnell, E., & Schimmelpfennig, R. (2021). Cooperation and the moral circle. Paper presented at Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2021: Justice and Morality Pre-Conference, [Online], Virtual, 9 February.
Schaller, M. & Muthukrishna, M. (2021). Cooperation and the moral circle. Paper presented at Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2021: Advances in Cultural Psychology Pre-Conference, [Online], Virtual, 9 February.
Muthukrishna, M. (2020). What affects our level of collective intelligence. Paper presented at Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute 2020, [Online] University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK, 2 July.
Muthukrishna, M. (2020). Communication and Competition. Paper presented at Learning Innovations Laboratory (LILA) Summit, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, MA, 2 June.
Muthukrishna, M. (2020) Evolution of Culture and Religion. Paper [Keynote] presented at  Symposion Dürnstein on Heritages: Culture Nature Identity at the Dürnstein Abbey (Stift Dürnstein), Dürnstein, Austria, 5 – 7 March.
Awwad, Y. & Muthukrishna, M. (2019). How Concepts Emerge and Evolve: Quantifying the Collective Brain Using Wikipedia. Paper presented at 31st Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Sciences (APS), Washington, DC, 23 – 26 May.
[Part of symposium on “The Geography of Concepts: How Ideas Develop and Diverge across Cultures” organized by Kaidi Wu and David Dunning]
Spicer, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2019). Analyzing and Visualizing the Database of Religious History – Comparing the Relationship Between Religions. Paper presented at Digital Humanities and Classical Studies: Prospects and Challenges Workshop, Berlin, Germany, 23 – 24 May.
Muthukrishna, M. (2018). Cultural Brain Hypothesis & Cumulative Cultural Brain Hypothesis. Paper presented at Life History and Learning Workshop, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 26 – 28 October.
Muthukrishna, M. (2018). The Evolution of Evil Eye Beliefs and Related Behaviors. Paper presented at Cultural Evolution Society Conference 2018, Tempe, AZ, 22 – 24 October.
Uchiyama, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2018). General intelligence as an emergent product of cultural complexity: Explaining the Flynn Effect. Paper presented at Cultural Evolution Society Conference 2018, Tempe, AZ, 22 – 24 October.
Muthukrishna, M. (2018). Corruption, Cooperation, and the Evolution of Evil Eye. Paper presented at 30th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4 – 7 July.
Muthukrishna, M. (2018). The Cultural Evolutionary Basis of Social Psychology. Paper presented at Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST) Workshop on The Origins of Our Moral and Political Ideologies and Preferences, Toulouse, France, 11 – 15 June.
Slingerland, E. & Muthukrishna, M. (2018). Durkheim with Data: The Database of Religious History. Paper presented at Future Directions on the Evolution of Rituals, Beliefs, and Religious Minds, Erice, Italy, 9 – 14 May.
Muthukrishna, M. (2017). Cultural Evolution of Economics: Cooperation, Corruption, Democracy, and Growth. Paper presented at Inaugural Cultural Evolution Society Conference, Jena, Germany, 12 – 15 September.
[Part of symposium on “Cultural Evolution and Economics”, which I organized as Chair]
Li, X., Muthukrishna, M., & Schimmelpfennig, R. (2017). Social Competition and Economic Consequences: Theory and Experiment. Paper presented by Li (student) at Inaugural Cultural Evolution Society Conference, Jena, Germany, 12 – 15 September.
Uchiyama, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2017). Testing the Cultural Brain Hypothesis. Paper presented by Uchiyama (student) at Inaugural Cultural Evolution Society Conference, Jena, Germany, 12 – 15 September.
Muthukrishna, M. (2017). “Culturlytics”: Exploring Cultural Differences and Cultural Distance. Paper presented at Learning Innovations Laboratory (LILA) Summit, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, MA, 1 June.
Muthukrishna, M. (2017). Economic Psychology and the Science of Cultural Evolution. Paper [Keynote] presented at Trusting and the Law Lorentz Center Workshop, Leiden, Netherlands, 16 – 20 January.
Muthukrishna, M. (2016). Innovation in the Collective Brain: The Transmission and Evolution of Norms and Culture. Paper presented at Cultural Transmission and Social Norms Workshop, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 15 – 17 December.
Muthukrishna, M. (2016). The Cultural Brain Hypothesis & Information Grandmother Hypothesis: How culture drives brain expansion and alters life history. Paper presented at Joint Meeting of GDR multi-organismes – Longévité et vieillissements and GDRI- PhyGHA – Physiology and Genetics of Healthy Aging, Grande Galerie de l’Evolution, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France, 27 – 28 October.
Muthukrishna, M. (2016). The Paradox of Diversity, Migration, and Cultural Evolution in Europe. Paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI-UK) Symposium on “The Current Migration Crisis in Europe”, Cardiff, UK. 30 – 31 August.
Muthukrishna, M. (2016). Innovation in the Collective Brain. Paper presented at the Culture Conference, Birmingham, UK. 9 – 10 July.
Slingerland, E., Toleno, R., Muthukrishna, M., & Sullivan, B. (2016). The Database of Religious History: An Expert-Based Approach to Documenting the Religious Historical Record. Paper presented at the Religion, Ritual, Conflict, and Cooperation: Archaeological and Historical Approaches, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA. 29 – 30 April.
Muthukrishna, M. (2016). An Analysis of Big History Data: The Evolution of Religious Cognition and Behavior. Paper presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. 28-30 January. [Part of symposium on “Understanding Religions: Integrating Experimental, Ethnographic and Historical Approaches”, which I organized as Chair]
Muthukrishna, M. & Logan, C. (2015). Studying Religion in the Digital Age: Technical Challenges and Solutions in Constructing the Database of Religious History. Paper presented at the XXI World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Erfurt, Germany. 23 – 29 August.
Muthukrishna, M. (2015). Cultural History Database Initiative & Database of Religious History Technical Update.Paper presented at the Cultural Evolution of Religious Research Consortium Plenary, Montreal, Canada. 8 – 10 May.
Muthukrishna, M., Chudek, M., & Henrich, J. (2014). Cultural Brain Hypothesis: Explaining the evolution of the brain and relationships between brain size, group size, cultural complexity, social learning, mating structures, and the juvenile period. Paper presented at the 26th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Natal, Brazil. 30 August – 2 September.
Sullivan, B., Tappenden, F.; Muthukrishna, M.; Logan, C., Slingerland, E. (2014). A Large Database Approach to Cultural History. Paper presented at Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland. 7-12 July.
Muthukrishna, M. & Levine, J. (2014). The Database of Religious History. Paper presented at the Congress 2014 of the Humanities and Social Sciences, St Catharines, ON. 24-30 May.
Muthukrishna, M. & Schaller, M. (2014). Generating scale-free small-world networks: a novel algorithm based on insights from psychology. Paper presented at the Dynamical Systems and Computational Modeling in Social Psychology Preconference of 15th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. 13-15 January.
Schaller, M. & Muthukrishna, M. (2014). The Behavioral Immune System and the Dynamics of Influence within Social Networks (with Implications for Cultural Evolution). Paper presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. 13-15 January.
Muthukrishna, M., Shulman, B. W., Vasilescu, V., & Henrich, J. (2013). Cumulative Culture in the Laboratory: you need more models, if the task is hard. Paper presented at the 25th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Miami Beach, FL. 17-20 July.

Conference Papers

Muthukrishna, M. (2023). Mapping Psychological Terrae Incognita: Explorations Beyond WEIRD Psychology. Paper presented at APS’s International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Brussels, Belgium, 9 – 11 March. [Part of symposium on “East, West, and the Rest: Exploring Psychological Variation across the Globe” organized by Shinobu Kitayama, Catherine Thomas, and Ayse Uskul]
Schimmelpfennig, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2022). Cultural Evolutionary Behavioral Science in Public Policy. Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2022. Seattle: 4-10 August.
Cole, B. & Muthukrishna, M. (2014). Nu-life: Spontaneous Dynamic Hierarchical Organization in a Non-uniform “Life-like” Cellular Automata. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (ACM SIGEVO). Vancouver: 12-16 July. [Download] [Website]
Wan, S., Paris, C., Muthukrishna, M., & Dale, R. (2009). Designing a Citation-Sensitive Research Tool: An Initial Study of Browsing-Specific Information Needs. Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries. Singapore: 6-7 August. [Download]

Conference Posters

Schnell, E. & Muthukrishna, M. (2024) Indirect Reciprocity Undermines Indirect Reciprocity Destabilizing Cooperation. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) 2024, San Diego, CA. 8-10 February
Schnell, E. & Muthukrishna, M. (2022) Modelling the Paradox of Diversity. Poster presented at the Royal Society Meeting on the Emergence of Collective Knowledge and Cumulative Culture in Animals, Humans and Machines, London, UK. 14-15 March.
Leonhard, A., Basava, K., Vanhersecke, Z., George, N., Omotosho, J., Bendixen, T., Mather, J., & Muthukrishna, M.(2022) Does Behavioral Repertoire Predict Brain Size in Coleoid Cephalopods? A Test of the Cultural Brain Hypothesis. Poster presented at the Cephalopod International Advisory Council, Sesimbra, Portugal. 4-8 April.
Uchiyama, R.Muthukrishna, M. (2018) Testing the Cultural Brain Hypothesis using phylogenetic path analysis. Poster presented at the Early-career Social Learning Researchers Workshop, University of St Andrews, Scotland. 21-22 June.
Muthukrishna, M. & Henrich, J. (2013) Cumulative Culture in the Laboratory: More Models are Better if the Task is Hard. Poster presented at the 14th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA. 17-19 January.
Muthukrishna, M. & Henrich, J. (2012) Brain-Culture Coevolution: Facilitating Factors in the Autocatalytic Evolution of Cultural Complexity and Brain Size. Poster presented at the 24th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Albuquerque, NM. 13-17 June.
Muthukrishna, M. & Henrich, J. (2012) Brain-Culture Coevolution: Explaining the Expansion of the Human Brain During the Pleistocene. Poster presented at the Evolutionary Preconference at the 13th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. 26-28 January.
Thompson, C., Sanderson, P., Watson, M., Thompson, M., Muthukrishna, M. & Murphy, S. (2010). Testing auditory alarm effectiveness with three different alarms sets. Poster presented at the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting (ANZCA ASM 2010), Christchurch, New Zealand. 12-16 May.


Muthukrishna, M. (2015). The Cultural Brain Hypothesis and the transmission and evolution of culture. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
[Awarded Canadian Psychological Society Excellence Award]
[Awarded CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation in Social Sciences – top social science dissertation in USA and Canada; Press Release | Summary Post]
Muthukrishna, M. (2012). What do we learn from whom? An ingroup bias for subjective information and its implications for culture. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Muthukrishna, M. (2010) Modeling a Smart Home: Prospective Evaluation of Smart Domestic Technologies. Unpublished Honours Thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia [Awarded First Class Honours]